

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Party 2010 (Informal Theme No. 9)

This year 2010, the Christmas party in our school was very unique. We didn't just wear our usual clothes but instead, we were in costumes. At first it's kinda childish but most of the students agreed on the idea.

The party was divided into two parts. In the first part (morning), students had a great fun with their schoolmates in the same year level. I liked the party because most of the awards were won by my section, 3-Oxygen. I enjoyed the performance of every sections but I enjoyed ours most. I also enjoyed the sumptuous foods that we ate.

In the second part of the party, we changed our clothes and wore costumes. My costume is just simple--a pink dress, pink doll shoes, and a Santa hat. I'm not actually prepared with my costume because I don't have time in preparing it. At least, I have something to wear.

By the way, back to the party. I enjoyed watching every students with their costumes. I got amazed when I saw some cos players! I am fond of anime that's why I liked their costumes. I also enjoyed the performance of every sections in the fourth and third years. The winners of "Best In Costume" were deserving to win. They really made an effort in making their costumes.

This Christmas Party 2010 is an event to be remembered. I just hope that every students would not forget the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS----Jesus!

Stage Play--Isang Panaginip na Fili (Informal Theme No. 8)

Last December 12, Sunday, we watched a stage play entitled "Isang Panaginip na Fili" at University of the Philippines in Diliman.

The accommodation was great. The chairs were comfortable enough and we could see a great view of the stage.

The play is awesome. I liked the play because they used some special effects like the lighting and some smoke. It added beauty to the entire performance. The actors acted professionally and I felt their feelings in the performance. They sang and spoke clearly and they do really have a good voice. The costumes and props used were very appropriate to the play. The props on the stage maximized the area and were really nice. The costumes of the actors fitted their characters especially "Matanglawin" with his bird-like clothes. 

The play is a performance to be remembered. It had a great impact for me. The performance made me appreciate the history of our country as well as its culture. I t also made me admire more our heroes, who died for our country's freedom. The play will be always kept in my heart and mind.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stage Play- Ibong Adarna (Informal Theme No. 7)

The play that we watched last December 3, Friday, ,made a good mark in my mind. Ibong Adarna is a story popular in the Philippines. It is only told in schools and I was glad that it can be performed in a play.

The play deals with the whole story of Ibong Adarna. I like the play because it had a twist. Instead of using a bird representing the Ibong Adarna, they used a man to act like a bird with beautiful bird-like costume. I liked it more because of the excellent musicality eventhough there's a little technical error, but it didn't affect the performance. Even the pros used were good, especially the props used for the cave where Don Juan travelled through to rescue Juana and Leonora. I just found out that they didn't include other scenes like wherein Maria Blanca's finger was cut, and more. Maybe they jut need to consume a short time.

The play is a performance to be remembered because maybe, it was my first time to watch a play. Also, the performance deserves a big applause. The play showed a;; the aspects of being a good one. The play is kept always in my mind.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Unfailing Love (Informal Theme No. 6)

"These three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is LOVE". -1 Corinthians 13:13

Love- it has many meanings but to me, it only means JESUS. He is my love and He loves me more. Jesus' love is everlasting, unfailing, the loveliest and sweetest love among all! At first, we already felt and experienced His love. He had sacrificed His life to save us from our sins.

Love- there are many ways to show it. You can hug or kiss your loved one. You can show love by taking care and giving or sharing blessings to somebody. Jesus' blessings never end, instead, it overflows. By praying, you can ask for His love and He will surely give what you asked.

Jesus' unfailing love is felt every seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years of our life. When you felt His love, you will surely be satisfied and of course, thankful. Let us show our love back to Jesus by praying and always remembering to thank Him.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kim Chiu (Informal Theme No. 5)

A beautiful, intelligent, and a great artist--Kim Chiu has the characteristics every director finds for an actress. She is one of the most talked about showbiz character. A simple teenager turned into an instant star. Maybe this just explains why I liked her. She is my very favorite actress.

Kim Chiu began in Pinoy Big Brother Teens (Season 1). I also liked her because I'm fond of watching PBB. She showed good characteristics inside the big brother house. I admired her for being a nice and talented girl. I liker her loveteam with Gerald Anderson,. This made me a Kimerald avid fan. They showed great chemistry inside and outside the house.

Kim Chiu is a great actress. I loved the way she acts and performs. Kim Chiu serves as an inspiration to others, and especially to me. I hope that someday, I can meet her personally.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Divine Comedy (Informal Theme No. 4)

Studying Divine Comedy is difficult at first, but after those hardships, you will find that it's good. I like how Dante Alighieri presented hell, purgatory, and paradise(heaven). I admire him because he have a wide range of imagination. I never thought that a human can describe those indescribable places!

After studying divine comedy, especially the Inferno, I became more concious with my actions. I don't want to commit a sin because I'm thinking that I will suffer the punishments in hell. But, I also became more secure because I know, in heaven, I will be with God. I always repent from my sins and I don't want God to be disappointed of me. I became more prayerful especially when I committed a sin. Whenever I did something wrong, I remember Inferno and also God.

Divine Comedy is such a good literature to be studied. It can change the characters of everyone even though it's just fiction.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

GSP Camp (Informal Theme No. 3)

The GSP camp was held in Cavite National Science High School on November 4and5. This event started with the GSP Investiture/Rededication of the students.

In the camp proper, us GSPs joined in the fun games. I, together with the girls in Troop 2, joined in the game entitled "ANIMAL KINGDOM". I t was my first time to play the game and I find it hard but also funny. I know that our troop did our bes and someday, I wanted to play this game again. We played a lot of games and I enjoyed each.

In the Orient Hearing and Mapping, we had difficulty in the first station because some of our troop mates doesn't memorize the Girl Scout Promise and Law.We surpassed all the stations with ease but we didn't win. I t's okay because we enjoyed this activity so much, especially me.

The next activity, Spiritual Night, was the best experience for me. I felt the presence of the Lord and the message of the guest pastor was very inspiring. In the second part of the activity, I enjoyed watching each troops in their performance.

After the Spiritual Night, we went back in our quarters, in I-Nitrogen room. I wasn't able to take a bath because there's a long waiting line for the CR and the water is very limited. I slept immediately at 10:01pm.

In the next day, I woke up at 3am. We had warm-up exercise. We did some stretching, jogging, and also hand tutting. Giving of awards followed and next is eating time. All of the GSPs together with Ma'am Maye ate our breakfast in the gym.

Next activity, we listened to the message of a guest speaker, Dr. Disomito. She  tackled all the facts about cervical cancer.
Honestly, I didn't understand what she said because I am so sleepy. The voice of the guest speaker was like a lullaby to me. I pretended to be listening. Next, we had a Closing Ceremony. Ma'am Maye let us sang our favorite song "BOY HUGGER", and more songs. Then, more awards were given. We ended in making a Girl Scout salute.After the closing, we returned to our quarters. We cleaned our room and fixed our things.

I enjoyed the GSP Camp. I found many friends and had a great fun. I learned that we should be having great cooperation in the group to win, and to acknowledge our LORD.

The GSP Camp was over...

Friday, October 29, 2010

SEM BREAK (Informal Theme no. 2)

Sem break is the day which was mostly waited by many students next to Christmas and Summer vacation. Us students were given a week to have a break as in "rest day". Maybe that's for others, but for us, students in CNSHS, we still need to do some tasks about school.We were given assignments and projects to be passed after this "SEM BREAK". Actually, I'm already used to it because since first year, we've experienced it.

I spent my sem break at home because our family wasn't able to go on vacation trip. At home, I also have tasks to be done. I'm in-charge of the household chores. I'm washing the dishes, cooking rice, sweeping the floor, and more. When i get lazy, I'll just go to bed and sleep. It's good thing for me because one of my hobbies is sleeping.

I was able to make my assignments and projects. Good thing I have a long time in making it. I hope that my second semester in school would be better.

Monday, October 25, 2010

SORRY (Informal Theme No. 1)

Sorry---it is a feeling of sorrow or regret. It is a word spoken when asking for forgiveness. Saying sorry maybe true and sometimes not. It was easy to be spoken by other people but for me, it's hard.

Sorry is a word usually spoken by many but does not express it. According to the saying "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS". It's true. Why don't you show that you mean what have you said. Be sincere in saying and acting it.

To be honest, I'm one of those people who is always saying sorry but does not mean it. I get shy whenever I say sorry because maybe I'm too guilty because of what I've done. Now, I'm really ready to say it.....SORRY!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Periodic Test (INFORMAL THEME NO. 8)

The time is fast in running. It was 2nd grading already and it was time to take the 2nd periodic test. I can still remember what happened last periodic test. I think the test today is better and I think more difficult. I hope I can answer all the questions in the exam. We're going to take up all MATH subjects, which is my hatest subject, and A.P. together with MAPEH. Well, GOD BLESS US ALL!. Let us make it to the top and hope that we will get high grades.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


CLANNAD is one of my favorite animes. It has a fantasy, romance,& comedy genre.It is about a high school student named Tomoya Okazaki. He hates his life because of all the bad happenings in his life. He hated more his father because his father turned to alcohol and gambling after the death of his mother.

In school, he met a girl named Nagisa Furukawa. She is a sickly person but have strong faith in being a part of the Drama Club in their school. He helped Nagisa in bringing back the said club. Nagisa's dream is to become a good drama performer. As they try to find their way to bring back the club, they met the other girls namely, Kyou Fujibayashi, Ryou Fujibayashi, Kotomi Ichinose, Tomoyo Sakagami, and Fuko Ibuki.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Last October 7, I went to Amaya because a friend of mine invited me to come to their house because there's feast in their barrio. Actually, it was my first time to be invited in such event. I don't have experience in having feasts because us Born-agains do not celebrate such event.

To be honest, the only thing I want during feasts is the food. I really enjoyed the sumptuous foods that was cooked by my friend's mom. I also enjoyed watching the fireworks display. I got scared because the fireworks was like chasing me, and the truth is, I'm really scared of fireworks!. I hope this first time wouldn't be the last time.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Thank You" Note (INFORMAL THEME NO. 5)

Dear Ma'am Mae,

Thank you for being a good teacher and a good mother for us. I really admired you because you're so talented and you uplifted my spirit whenever I'm down. Thank for being a good model for everyone. I will always remember your lessons. I hope this simple thank you would mean a lot for you. Again, THANK YOU!

"My Teacher, My Hero" (INFORMAL THEME NO. 4)

A teacher who teaches her students
To be honest and to be diligent
It was you who made my life excellent.
You are a hero who showed great courage,
A hero whom I admire in this place.

Your good qualities, Oh so true!
When I remember your lessons,
I feel glad and not in blue.
You are a great teacher,
A hero for the seasons,
All your teachings I will remember,
From now until forever.

A teacher who shared her talent,
Her skill in speaking, dancing, and singing,
Which in my head kept on ringing.
An inspiration in my life to bring.

You faced problems courageously
This act delighted me highly.
Now, I know that giving up,
Is just a small thing for me to tap.

Thank you, my teacher,
And a great gratitude, my hero.
I hope this appreciation might do,
For I will always remember you.

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Future Will Not Copy Fair My Past (Sonnet 42)

My future will not copy fair my past---
I wrote that once; and thinking at my side
My ministering life--angel justified
The word by his appealing look upcast.
To the white throne of God  I turn atlast,
And there, saw thee, not unallied
To angels in thy soul! Then I,long tried
By natural ills, received the comfort fast,
While budding, at thy sight, my pilgrim's staff.
Gave out green leaves with morning dews impearled.
I seek no copy now of life's first half
Leave here the ages with long musing curled,
And write me new my future's epigraph.
New angel mine, unhoped for in  the world!

How Do I Love Thee (Sonnet 43) INFORMAL THEME NO. 3

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways

I love thee to the to the depth and breadth and height
my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace
I love thee to the level of everyday's
most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with passion put to use
In my old griefs, and in my childhood's faith.
With my old saints---I love thee with the breath
Smiles, tears, of all my life!---and if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

In the poem of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, she enumerated the ways on how she can show her love to her husband.
She said that her love for him is infinite or endless. She always love him---day or night. She loves him freely, purely, and with passion.
She loves him with all of her life whether in happiness or sadness. If she dies, she will still love him, even better.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


It's pretty obvious that my favorite color is PINK. I love pink because I think it's the color for the girls. I wish someday that all the scenarios in the whole world is PINK. I know that it's impossible but it's possible in my dreams. If this happens, i would be the happiest girl in the whole world!.

Most of my friends doesn't like this color. I don't know but, they have great hatred in PINK. They say that it's yucky or somewhat disgusting. I know that every people has their own opinions so, I respect them. I hope that they would also respect mine.

My favorite color would always be my favorite color. PINK is always PINK. I hope that I can dream of my PINK WORLD again.

Read Your Bible, Pray Everyday (INFORMAL THEME NO. 2)

"Read your Bible, pray everyday, and you'll grow,grow, grow.." The truth is in the lyrics of the song. Reading the bible and praying everyday has a great effect on our lives. You can learn many things from the bible and you can talk to God every time you pray.

Let us make these ways as our daily habit. God gave us 24 hours in a day. Let us not forget to give time for Him. Even an hour would do.

Praying and reading the bible makes our faith grow. It also makes us know God more and appreciate Him more. Let us not forget to do these things. I repeat. MAKE THESE A DAILY HABIT.