

Monday, November 29, 2010

Unfailing Love (Informal Theme No. 6)

"These three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is LOVE". -1 Corinthians 13:13

Love- it has many meanings but to me, it only means JESUS. He is my love and He loves me more. Jesus' love is everlasting, unfailing, the loveliest and sweetest love among all! At first, we already felt and experienced His love. He had sacrificed His life to save us from our sins.

Love- there are many ways to show it. You can hug or kiss your loved one. You can show love by taking care and giving or sharing blessings to somebody. Jesus' blessings never end, instead, it overflows. By praying, you can ask for His love and He will surely give what you asked.

Jesus' unfailing love is felt every seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years of our life. When you felt His love, you will surely be satisfied and of course, thankful. Let us show our love back to Jesus by praying and always remembering to thank Him.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kim Chiu (Informal Theme No. 5)

A beautiful, intelligent, and a great artist--Kim Chiu has the characteristics every director finds for an actress. She is one of the most talked about showbiz character. A simple teenager turned into an instant star. Maybe this just explains why I liked her. She is my very favorite actress.

Kim Chiu began in Pinoy Big Brother Teens (Season 1). I also liked her because I'm fond of watching PBB. She showed good characteristics inside the big brother house. I admired her for being a nice and talented girl. I liker her loveteam with Gerald Anderson,. This made me a Kimerald avid fan. They showed great chemistry inside and outside the house.

Kim Chiu is a great actress. I loved the way she acts and performs. Kim Chiu serves as an inspiration to others, and especially to me. I hope that someday, I can meet her personally.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Divine Comedy (Informal Theme No. 4)

Studying Divine Comedy is difficult at first, but after those hardships, you will find that it's good. I like how Dante Alighieri presented hell, purgatory, and paradise(heaven). I admire him because he have a wide range of imagination. I never thought that a human can describe those indescribable places!

After studying divine comedy, especially the Inferno, I became more concious with my actions. I don't want to commit a sin because I'm thinking that I will suffer the punishments in hell. But, I also became more secure because I know, in heaven, I will be with God. I always repent from my sins and I don't want God to be disappointed of me. I became more prayerful especially when I committed a sin. Whenever I did something wrong, I remember Inferno and also God.

Divine Comedy is such a good literature to be studied. It can change the characters of everyone even though it's just fiction.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

GSP Camp (Informal Theme No. 3)

The GSP camp was held in Cavite National Science High School on November 4and5. This event started with the GSP Investiture/Rededication of the students.

In the camp proper, us GSPs joined in the fun games. I, together with the girls in Troop 2, joined in the game entitled "ANIMAL KINGDOM". I t was my first time to play the game and I find it hard but also funny. I know that our troop did our bes and someday, I wanted to play this game again. We played a lot of games and I enjoyed each.

In the Orient Hearing and Mapping, we had difficulty in the first station because some of our troop mates doesn't memorize the Girl Scout Promise and Law.We surpassed all the stations with ease but we didn't win. I t's okay because we enjoyed this activity so much, especially me.

The next activity, Spiritual Night, was the best experience for me. I felt the presence of the Lord and the message of the guest pastor was very inspiring. In the second part of the activity, I enjoyed watching each troops in their performance.

After the Spiritual Night, we went back in our quarters, in I-Nitrogen room. I wasn't able to take a bath because there's a long waiting line for the CR and the water is very limited. I slept immediately at 10:01pm.

In the next day, I woke up at 3am. We had warm-up exercise. We did some stretching, jogging, and also hand tutting. Giving of awards followed and next is eating time. All of the GSPs together with Ma'am Maye ate our breakfast in the gym.

Next activity, we listened to the message of a guest speaker, Dr. Disomito. She  tackled all the facts about cervical cancer.
Honestly, I didn't understand what she said because I am so sleepy. The voice of the guest speaker was like a lullaby to me. I pretended to be listening. Next, we had a Closing Ceremony. Ma'am Maye let us sang our favorite song "BOY HUGGER", and more songs. Then, more awards were given. We ended in making a Girl Scout salute.After the closing, we returned to our quarters. We cleaned our room and fixed our things.

I enjoyed the GSP Camp. I found many friends and had a great fun. I learned that we should be having great cooperation in the group to win, and to acknowledge our LORD.

The GSP Camp was over...